Nova Documentary
Hello there! If you have made it to this page, it means that either you, (or someone you know,) is involved with the making of the feature length film, "Nova" and I would like permission to capture your (or their) image on camera for my Documentary, that follows the making of the film.
I am a professional Austin filmmaker and educator. Ellie and Abbie (the writer/directors of "Nova") were students in one of my short film classes which is where they informed me of their ambitious project "Nova."
I instantly knew the story of teens making a feature length film was a story that needed to be told, which is why I have begun documenting the making of their film.
If you are here, it's because I will need a release form signed before I can interview you (or your child) for this project.
If you are okay with me filming and interviewing you or your child while they are on-set, working on "Nova," please complete the Appearance Release form HERE.
I am also happy to answer any questions you may have about me, my documentary project, or any part of the process as well.
Thanks for taking the time to look over this and I look forward to hearing from you.
William F. Reed